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Halloween pop-up card template | Paper Soul Craft

Original price was: $5.50.Current price is: $4.60.
The Halloween pop-up card template is for someone who loves crafting on Halloween day. When open it, the pop-up appears ghosts, fences with some jack-o'-lanterns, a ghostly looking tree, and a spooky house. It’s perfect for sharing Halloween smiles with family, friends, kids, and more.

Pumpkin paper lantern template | Jack o lantern paper craft | Paper Soul Craft

Original price was: $5.50.Current price is: $4.60.
This is a fun craft for adults who love making crafts from paper. This template helps you create a cute Pumpkin paper lantern on your own for Halloween's day. All you need to make the Jack o lantern is to download this template, then prepare some craft supplies. So easy to make the Jack o lantern as we have a step-by-step instruction video for you. Download the template now, and enjoy the process.